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Salah satu sajian khas kopi dari Warung Kopi Sidomuncul Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta |
Musim hujan yang dingin, akhir pekan yang tak terlalu sibuk dan senja telah beranjak, paling nyaman menghabiskan waktu di luar rumah bersama teman atau keluarga.Ide menarik sore ini saatnya tepat untuk berburu kuliner baru. Sebuah postingan di facebook mengantarkan saya menuju ke sebuah hotel bintang lima di Yogyakarta yang hadir menawarkan warung kopi dan teh. Kebetulan sekali, saya seorang pecinta teh sejati dan juga kopi sebagai minuman favorit kedua.
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Suasana Warung Kopi Sidomuncul Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta |
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View menarik dari sudut Warung kopi Sidomuncul Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta |
Mengusung label 'Warung Kopi dan Teh Sidomuncul Yogyakarta', warung ini memang sengaja dikembangkan dengan citarasa produk-produk Sidomuncul yang telah lama kita kenal. Sidomuncul memang dikenal dengan produksi minuman tradisional seperti jamu-jamuan dan sebagainya. Demikian juga dengan menu di warung kopi dan teh ini; menu minuman yang ditawarkan bernuansa klasik Jawa. Sebut saja seperti 'Jahe Gendeng' yang berisi komposisi teh, jahe, carnation sweet dan susu low fat. Atau menu-menu Wedang Bregas seperti 'Kumbokarno', 'Bagas Waras', 'Seger Alang', 'Tolak Angin Ontoseno' dan sebagainya. Menu-menu minuman ini memang diracik khusus oleh barista andalan warung ini. Dikombinasikan sedemikian rupa dan disajikan dengan citarasa yang unik, teh rasa papermint yang segarnya tak habis-habis di lidah seperti teh 'Taman Sari' pilihan saya sore ini. Jangan heran kenapa berlabel Sidomuncul di warung ini, ya memang pemilik hotel ini sama dengan pemilik perusahaan Sidomuncul. Nah, sudah bisa diraba-raba kan seperti apa racikan minuman yang tersaji di warung ini.
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Barista Warung Kopi Sidomuncul Hotel Tentrem Yogyakarta |
Tentrem it was twilight and cup of tea
Cold rainy season, the weekend is not too busy and dusk has moved; it is most comfortable spending time outdoors with friends or family. This afternoon is interesting idea and right time for a new culinary hunt. A posting on my facebook deliver leading me to a five-star hotel in Yogyakarta which present offers coffee and tea stall. Incidentally, I am a true lover of tea and coffee as well as the second favorite beverage.
Start travelling from the south of Yogyakarta to the traditional concept of a modern hotel, precisely at Hotel Tentrem, Jalan AM Sangaji, Yogyakarta. Hotels with brown beige paint color glance seem arrogant and high class. But the friendliness of the staff made me feel comfortable continuing this culinary journey. Entering the hotel lobby area, offered a unique interior of the building is unique, elegant and classy. Never thought in a corner of the hotel serves coffee and tea shop Sidomuncul. According to them, the concept of stall was deliberately made to accommodate fans of street-style coffee. It is five star class but very friendly price. Yes! You can get such a cup of tea 'Kembang Perawan or Virgin Flower' for IDR 25.000, - only. Or do you want a kind of Expresso coffee just paid IDR 35,000, -. Of course this is so attractive alternative option, with the feel of a five star hotel, we are able to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea at a stall price. For companion beverage, of course there are many options that quite satisfied like savory fried chicken, crispy tofu soy sauce, grilled lemper, apple puff, black rice porridge and so on. Prices range from IDR 20-25000, - only per serving. Wow, it is very cheap for a five-star hotel class standart.
Takes place outdoors, this coffee shop is open starting at 3:00 p.m.-11:00 pm. When the weather is friendly, no rain fell, spend time in the shop is certainly very soothing. Why not, because visitors are treated to the viewpoint of the hotel building and views of the sprawling city of Yogyakarta, and when we look down, a beautiful swimming pool add to the freshness of the eye can see. An atmosphere that is complete, a pity to miss. But when the rain hindered, you were still able to hang relaxed ordering coffee or tea at this shop and enjoy it in Eboni bar & lounge just located adjacent to the shop. But when you stay at this hotel, 24-hour service is definitely obtained, so of course can be served if you want to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea concoction outside operating hours.
Carrying the label 'Warung Kopi & Teh / Coffee and Tea Stall of Sidomuncul Yogyakarta', this stall was deliberately developed furnished Sidomuncul products that have long been familiar. Sidomuncul is known for its production of traditional beverages such as herbs and so on. Likewise, the menu at the coffee shop and tea; drinks menu offered classic shades of Java. Call it like 'Ginger Gendeng' (Gendeng means crazy) which contains the composition of tea, ginger, carnation sweet and low fat milk. Or menus Wedang Bregas like 'Kumbokarno', 'Bagasse Sane', 'Seger Alang', 'Reject Ontoseno Wind' and so on. The drinks menu is specially formulated by the barista. Combined in such a way and presented with unique flavors, tea flavors with fresh papermint are endless in my tongue like tea 'Taman Sari'. This menu is my choice this afternoon. Do not wonder why labeled Sidomuncul in this stall, yes indeed the owner of the hotel is the same as the owner of the company Sidomuncul. Well, it could be groped how look like the mixing drinks is presented in this shop.
So there is no reason to worry or doubt right to spend the evening here, affordable prices, good facilities and atmosphere of a classy hotel. Hospitality and delicious cup of drink is a ketentreman (tentrem is the Java language that means peace and tranquality) are uniquely defined in a traditional dish of modern flavor. Just try it :)
Jalan AM Sangaji No 72A Yogyakarta 55233 Indonesia
ph. +62 274 541 5555
f. +62 274 541 5588
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